faites un don : VIA CE SITE WEB OU AU CAMEROUN VIA ORANGE MONEY +237659598330 ou +237659598342 OU MOBILE MONEY +237 654280417

Solidarité Urgente

Aidez-nous à soutenir les victimes des inondations dans l'extrême nord du Cameroun. Faites un don.

Sahel Solidarité
Sahel Solidarité

Catastrophe Inondations

Soutenez les victimes des inondations dans l'extrême nord du Cameroun.

brown long coated dog wearing black and red harness
brown long coated dog wearing black and red harness
a group of people wearing hard hats and safety gear
a group of people wearing hard hats and safety gear
white and red cross logo
white and red cross logo
white petaled flowers stuck on a woman's back
white petaled flowers stuck on a woman's back